Thursday, December 16, 2010

Doing it Right.

Whoa nelly! It's definitely been a while since I've written on this blog... whoops.
Well, allow me to jump right in.

Last year around this time I had decided that I was going to run the Vancouver
1/2 marathon, located in Vancouver, British Columbia. It was in May of 2010
which meant I had plenty of time to train for the run and get myself psyched up
for it (even though I was already giddy inside!) and get prepared. Running during
January was a little slow because I was shaking off the cobwebs from Thanksgiving
and Christmas and it was freezing outside. Things started to pick up around
February, as my running soul mate Kristen and I started running more frequently
and we were adding mileage to our runs. Nothing too serious yet, but we were
running 4+ miles comfortably.

Then, my iliotibial (IT) band struck. For those of you unfamiliar with the IT band, just
Google it, and you'll be introduced to the myriad of information that exists on this little
(but really big) guy. The pain came with no warning either; it just happened during a
routine 3 miler on a treadmill. I was about 2 miles in and had found my stride when all
of a sudden a sharp pain hit me on the side of my right knee, and it shot up my entire
hamstring. It was enough to make me cry out in pain and abruptly stop running. Being
as stubborn as I am and thinking it was nothing serious I tried to shake it off by
continuing to run for another mile or so. Worst. idea. ever. I had never experienced pain
like that... it literally felt like my patella was falling off and my muscles were just tearing
left and right. So I swallowed my pride (actually, I banged the treadmill STOP button in
tearful frustration) and hobbled off the treadmill, crying like a little girl. Something was
wrong. Pain like that wasn't normal.

To make this long story short, there were a lot of things that brought on this intense pain
in my IT band. The main issue was that I have really high arches and I supernate a lot
while I run. This was news to me because since I'm naturally a sprinter, I've never had
to deal with this situation before. I ordered some new shoes to correct that problem
(and also the shoes I was using to run were 4 years old... yikes), but the pain in my IT
band wasn't going away. I was pushing myself too much too fast. When training to run
a long(er) distance like that, you gradually have to work yourself up to it. I was getting
bored and cocky with 2-3 milers so I started jumping miles ahead of schedule and
invariably I got hurt. I was instructed to stay away from running for at least a month, and
to nurture my leg. Training was done. Running the 1/2 marathon was no longer an
option. I had screwed things up.

Not this time. I'm doing it right. I'm going to run (yes, GOING TO RUN!) the Vancouver
1/2 marathon on May 1st, 2011 and I'm going to train the correct way. I'll run the miles
according to schedule even if I'm puking boredom. Plus, I'll have the support of Ms.
Forseth herself to help me along the way. :) Wish me luck!


Allikort26 said...

Oh goodness Inez, i know EXACTLy what your going through! Ive been there...oh about 3 or 4 times and im always one of those stupid gals who pushes through anyways... Three falls ago it was runners knee- put me out of the prison break half. Two summers ago plantars fascitis- i was stupid on that one and continued to run a race (NOT FUN! It feels like your running on a bruise, but it just went numb after the first 6 milese), last summer pulled groin muscle thinking i was tough stuff running a race that I didnt really properly train for- pushed through another race a few weeks later and then couldnt run for about 3 months after that... and yes, despite all that I am incredibly addicted and am attempting to train for my first full marathon which is in April. Right now im dealing with torn cartilige in my ankle and am hoping that it will just hide until after the race... knowing my luck I just wont be so lucky.. So word to the wise, dont be like me! Build up gradually and stretch! Two key factors I admit I am lazy on. Oh the joys of running! ; )

ShortSkirts said...

Good luck with training lady!

I didn't know you injured your IT band before!

Can't wait to run with you tomorrow at the Valentine's Day Dash!